Thursday August 23 was the beginning of my real labor (yes just the beginning). I had some cramping upon waking up that morning, but didn't think much of it. I had a Doctor's appointment at 10:30 and on my way to that appointment is when I felt like my twinges turned into contractions. At the appointment the Doctor stripped my membranes to help kick start labor, if you don't know what that is ask Dr Google. I had an NST after since I have a slightly increased risk of blood clots we were keeping a close eye on baby at the end and the test showed contractions but the nurse didn't seem to think much of it so I went home.
I got home about lunch time and started timing my contractions. I told Kevin, who had a short day at work so was home, that I thought baby was coming today. While timing contractions I cleaned the house, last second nesting??? I changed the sheets on the bed and vacuumed the entire house and other picking up and Kevin cleaned up the yard a little. By 5:30 Kevin started to get nervous about the prospect of delivering a baby at home so we decided to go into the hospital. We grabbed all the bags I had pre packed and drove the 45 minutes to the hospital.
Once at the hospital the monitors showed regular contractions, but unfortunately my cervix wasn't showing much progress. I had been a 3 at my appointment at was maybe a 3.5 when I got there (ugh!) They send us to walk the hospital to see if I could pick things up. We grabbed a quick bite to eat knowing if they admitted me it would be a while before I had a chance to eat again and then we walked the hospital like mad. We took the stares and walked all 8 floors up and down and up again. I was sweaty and out of breath and only at a 4! Double ugh! Anyways, thanks to a very persuasive nurse they decided to go ahead and admit me, though I didn't actually get a room until midnight. We wondered the halls of L&D and my contractions were getting pretty intense but at 4 am. NO PROGRESS! So they decided to start me on pitocin. So since they were putting me on pitocin and it was 4 am and I was making no progress I decided to get the epidural at that point, thinking maybe I could get some rest, but I didn't I just could not rest. The progress was still crazy slow going until they decided to break my water at 9 am. At 12:30 the nurse told me I was complete which was immediately followed by a lovely barf fest and some pushing. I pushed for about an hour and Tyler Joseph Duclos was born at 1:31 pm on August 24, 2012. He weighed 6 lbs 15 oz and was 19.5 inches long. And now what you really want to see, the pictures.
I love the pictures of Tyler with his daddy! There's something so special about the first moments of a father with his child. I got to bond with him while he was inside but for fathers this is when it becomes real! We are officially a little family and we couldn't be happier!
Tyler did have a small little battle with jaundice. The complete fatigue he got with it was a little scary for mommy, but he over came it quickly and I really appreciated out pediatrician keeping a close eye but not wanting to jump in and intervene or make me supplement. Breast feeding is going great and our bodies worked together and did exactly what they were supposed to do. Now begins a whole new adventure and chapter in our lives.
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