Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 In Review

I got this idea from The Fisch Tank. At the end of the year you take the first sentence you blogged from every month and reflect. Then you do a nice little summary for the new year that you can reflect on that next year as well. I didn't blog the whole year so this year this post will be a little short but I want to do it nonetheless. So here we go.

September: "I figured we ought to start at the beginning" I started the blog in September after Tyler was born, but started with my pregnancy just for fun. This was my very first blog post ever. 

October: "It's been a couple weeks since I posted so I figured I better put something out there." I guess I slacked off in the beginning of October but the truth is things tend to happen in clusters around here, hence the loads of blog posts I am throwing at you today.

November: "On facebook I am doing the 30 days of Thankfulness" My post about being thankful the election was over. November was a month focusing on being thankful, but I hop to carry that spirit year round.

December "I have been enjoying photography as a hobby for a while now and have been hoping to make it into something more." My post about my first "photo shoot" Something I hope to become more common place this year.

Since I don't have predictions from last year I'll just give a little blurb about what I think. This year was obviously a big year for us. We went from being a couple to being a family and we absolutely love it! I hope you enjoy the blog and keeping up with us this way. 

My predictions for 2013: Since we sold the house in Denver I fully expect to become debt free in 2013, I don't include a mortgage if we decide to buy another house. 

I am doing a whole30 in January, google it if your curious. I know it's not really the goal but I fully expect to lose some of this baby weight. The before so I can be held accountable: weight 146.4, waist 31", hips 39", thighs 25", and upper arms 13.5". I'm sure I'll be posting some yummy food and thoughts along the way. 

In August we will celebrate Tyler's first birthday and I expect that to be the party of the year, in baby land anyways! 

I don't really know what else to say- I hope my photography business really starts to take off and I fully expect a few surprises in 2013, but we shall see. Have a wonderful new year! 

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