Tuesday, September 18, 2012

My Pregnancy

I figured we ought to start at the beginning. Kevin and I found out (unofficially) that we were expecting a little bundle of joy early last December. We were thrilled, but honestly still surprised! Seems like no matter how hard you are "trying" pregnancy always comes with an element of surprise. We went to our first doctor's appointment January 9 and confirmed that I was 7 weeks and 2 days pregnant and the baby had a strong heartbeat. The first trimester was a challenge exhaustion and nausea kept me on my toes or rather in my bed. It was manageable though and signs of a healthy pregnancy all around.

Second trimester was great! I felt great and we were past the scary time of the highest miscarriage risk. At the 20 week ultrasound everything looked amazing and we found out we were expecting a baby boy! We shared our joy with all our family and friends and I felt like my belly was growing at an astronomic rate (ha!). Here is a picture of me in my second trimester when I thought I was really starting to show.
I know! Who was I kidding??? Notice our fabulous ultrasound pictures on the wall? I think I was about 24 or 25 weeks here.

The third trimester wasn't bad until the last couple weeks when I anxiously began counting down days and paying attention to every twinge as a possible sign! I actually got some horrific round ligament pains and the very end and thought how I could ever survive labor if I could hardly survive round ligament pains? The fatigue returned and I spend my time preparing for baby's arrival. I prepped the cloth diapers, washed and put away laundry, and made lots of frozen meals (thank God I did that!) We also got some professional maternity pictures done. Credit Sobecki Photography. Here's a taste of them and what my massive pregnant belly became by 36+ weeks.

I just want to say I know maternity photos are kind of a new trend but I highly recommend them. Pregnancy is a more magical time than you realize at the time and images of that special time will be held close to your heart!

Now just to wait for the arrival of Baby!

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