Sunday, March 17, 2013

MDP: Newborns!

Hi All: This is a blog post for my photography business. I thought I would be making a blog post for every session I've done, but well that just hasn't happened, so I'm going to make a few categorized posts to show you my favorites from sessions I've done in that category! I've had 3 newborn sessions so far. The first one went swimmingly, baby slept like a dream! The second one I was a tad nervous about because baby was out of the 2 week time frame that all newborn photographers recommend, but she did well! She was a little more wakeful than my first, but still very posable and adorable. My third was a bit of a challenge. She is a beautiful baby and just wanted to be awake and play! She was quite wiggly and didn't want to give in to my wraps- note to self ditch the cheese cloth wraps and buy the stretchy knit wraps ONLY! She also did not like very many of my poses. Baby is boss ;-) We still got some adorable images from her session! Here are my favorites from ALL the sessions, in no particular order....

I still have plenty I'm working on, but I'm pretty proud of the work I've done so far, but I've had pretty gorgeous girl's too so I'm lucky! Thanks for looking!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

My Baby is Growing Up...

I know, I know he's only 6 months going on 7 but I feel like things are really starting to escalate. So I wanted to write a post to remember what he was doing at this age.

He's definitely teething- last night he started pulling on his ears and was super cranky, he slept ok but this morning mommy has a light bulb moment and I looked at his bottom gums. Yes- I see the little white spots those teeth are going to break through any day! I'm a little nervous about adjusting to make sure he doesn't bite while nursing, but I'm sure we'll figure it out.

 He's eating solid foods- I offer him 3 meals a day now, he doesn't eat much but this is the beginning of it all. Sweet potatoes, carrots, apple sauce, and bananas. I think tomorrow I'll try zucchini cause I've been slacking in the green veggie department. He seems to like eating- he makes a grunting sound when he's done. We're still using the bumbo for feedings as he tends to slouch over in the high chair.

 He's sleeping well at night. He's moved his bedtime a little later and still wakes up between 2 and 4 which he then snuggles with mommy until about 6. We are starting to wean from the swaddle- he's been going one armed for a few days now and it hasn't seemed to mess up his sleep!

 He's moving! He can now officially roll both ways! And he's getting ok at scooting around a room. He either pushes himself backwards on his tummy or kind of does this weird wormy thing on his back. I don't have to chase him but he still can wiggle around pretty well.

 His personality shines! He is very attached to mommy and will let you know that! But who can blame him with all the time we spend together. Though he does finally start to seem to be comfortable with daddy for a bit. He loves to splash in the tub and he finds our dogs, especially Sammy the lab, absolutely hilarious. He will occasionally just look at the dog sitting across the room and start laughing or get the biggest grin! He also loves it when we call daddy on the phone- he likes to grunt at daddy too!

 Things that are coming soon: crawling and then walking, swaddle free sleep, words, finger foods, and so much more! When you spend every day with these little guys it's so easy to miss the changes. I kinda feel like tearing up writing this because I know it's such a special, but short lived age. Though I know where we are headed is pretty amazing too! So that's all- just me reflecting on what we've accomplished! I love you son! I know you are meant to do amazing things- and know your mommy will always be here cheering you on xoxo

Friday, March 8, 2013

The many faces of Tyler!

We had an overcast day today and I'm always looking for great new photography spots so Tyler and I went on an adventure and I found a gem! I did a speed photo session with Tyler- maybe 5 minutes cause we had to get out of there before the rain! I call the results the many faces of Tyler. Which is your favorite?

Sometimes it can be fun to capture more than smiles! Let their little personalities shine! Love this boy!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Family Outing!

Even though we've been a few places- boring places like the grocery store, restaurants, and the mall, and Tyler and I have ventured on a few cooler outings with friends I feel like this is our FIRST real family outing- just the 3 of us going somewhere cool! So last Sunday we went to the Pima Air and Space Museum. I'm not sure how much Tyler got out of it- in the beginning he was cranky, then he napped in the ergo, then after lunch we had some actual happy awake time to look around. This is a pretty cool museum to just wonder, but there really isn't much information explaining everything so I think next time around we will have to splurge for a tour explaining everything. 

Tyler is sleeping here

Adorable huh?

Our little astronaut! 

Doesn't Tyler look HUGE here lol

Looking in a plane

Overall it was a fun day and I'm very glad we did it! It's really nice to get out and do things like this especially for me, cause I am home with the little one all the time! 

6 months and Sweet Potatoes

So I've been a major slacker and apparently didn't blog the entire month of February- oops! Anyways almost 2 weeks ago Tyler turned 6 months! So I went ahead and tried to feed him some sweet potatoes. I made it myself. I baked the sweet potato until it was really really soft and then mashed it up and added some breast milk until it was nice and thin. He did pretty good, seemed unsure and didn't take in much (as I expected). We've been feeding him 2x a day at this point, which is what the pediatrician recommended. He just now seems to be getting the hang of it and starting to enjoy it a bit. We have done the sweet potatoes and carrots thus far and before he turns orange, we will try some oatmeal and apples. I do plan to make all my own baby food, though I may break down and buy a few containers that we can take "to go" when we need to. So here are some photos of Tyler's first experience eating and him in his 6 month tie!

Umm mommy- what is this???

Ok I guess I'll try this
This is pretty good

Let me help you with that

All done!

Tyler and I also got some 6 month photos done with Sobecki Photography. You can view the slide show here. When I have the images available for print I will let you know!