Wednesday, September 26, 2012

1 Month

A couple days ago Tyler celebrated his 1 month birthday!

 The night before my little man turned one month old I was doing a late night nursing session and was staring down at him and realized just how much he's grown already. I was reminded of a blog post I read by a dear friend the day after we came home from the hospital. The blog post had a quote from another blog I believe:

"There is a song from "Big:The Musical" that sums up the bittersweetness of raising children. It's called "Stop Time," and the first time you hear it, it stops your heart. "Nobody warns you of this parent's paradox. You want your kid to change and grow," the song says. "But when he does another child you've just begun to know, leaves forever." link to her post

When I read this I cried, hormones played a role, of that I am sure. But nursing my little boy late at night I got it. This little boy is growing so fast. He's no longer the boy who was growing inside me, or even that boy I gave birth to, he is slowly but surely becoming a whole new person. As excited as I am to watch him learn and grow I want to keep this little boy, just as he is, forever. But I can't.

So grow baby grow! Become that smart, handsome, kind hearted, strong, beautiful person I know is just waiting to bloom from inside of you! I will be here to help you on your journey, to love you, to wipe your tears, and to share in your joys, but most importantly to encourage little you to blossom just as you are meant to be.

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